Monday, October 5, 2015

Pt Variables

PT offers many options that you control by setting variables. To set a variable, you use the set command:
pt_shell> set variable_name variable_setting

When you set a variable, the displayed result is the new setting for the variable.

For example,
pt_shell>set sh_enable_page_mode true

If you attempt to set a variable to an invalid value for that variable, PT responds with an error message.

Foe example,
pt_shell>set sh_enable_page_mode maybe
Error: can't set "sh_enable_page_mode": invalid value:
           set true or false
Use error_info for more info. (CMD-013)

If you mistype a system variable name, PT inteprets it as a request to define a new, user-defined variable. In that case, PT issues a message indicating that a new variable has been created:
pt_shell> set sh_enable_pag_mode true
Information: Defining new variable "sh_enable_pag_mode'.

To find out the current setting for a variable, use the printvar command.
For example,
pt_shell>printvar sh_enable_page_mode
sh_enable_page_mode  =  "false"

you can use the wildcard character (*) to view multiple related settings because related cmds often begin with the same prefix.
For example,
to see a list of shell-related variables:

pt_shell>printvar sh_*
sh_arch             = "sparcOS5"
sh_command_abbrev_mode =  "Anywhere"
sh_command_log_file  = ""
sh_continue_on_error  ="false"

6)you can use multiple wildcard characters.
For example,
to see a list of all-related variables:

pt_shell>printvar "clock"
create_clock_no_input_delay = "false"
extract_model_clock_transition_limit  = "5"
extract_model_num_clock_transition_points = "5"

The printvar cmd used by itself, without any arguments, lists all the variables and their settings:
pt_shell> printvar
arch      =  "sparcOS5"
auto_index = ""
auto_link_disable ="false"
auto_wire_load_selection = "true"

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